April, 2012
Dear Brother Deacons,
Yes, it's that time again! Another year has gone by, and it's
time to sit down with our pastors or ministry supervisors to review
2007-2008 and plan for 2012-2013. As we work toward compliance
with the National Directory on the Diaconate, it is important
that we have all records as accurate as possible. Therefore, it
is essential that we have a current ministerial agreement for
each deacon who has faculties. Forms are being sent with this
letter to all active deacons of the diocese; many of you will
also receive them by e-mail. Please note that even if you fill
out the forms electronically, they must be printed, signed the
old-fashioned way by you, your pastor (and your spouse if appropriate),
and mailed to this office. Included in this mailing you will
find the following:
1. Annual Ministry Report (for
period 7/1/11 to 6/30/12) This form is to be filled
out by all deacons including those who status is Retired.
Tell us what your ministry has been like this past year. Complete
the form and return it either separately or with your Ministry
Agreement. This form should be signed by both you and your pastor
or supervisor. You must return this form to remain
in good standing in this Archdiocese.
2. Parish Ministry Agreement and/or
Special Ministry Agreement (2012-2015) These two forms are
to be filled out only by the deacons whose status is Active. Both
forms have been included. If your ministry is only in the parish,
use the Parish Ministry Agreement; if you ministry is only outside
the parish (jail, hospital, etc.) use the Special Ministry Agreement.
If you are involved in ministry both in the parish and outside
the parish, you will need to fill out both forms. This form must
be signed by you, your pastor/supervisor, and your wife if you
are married. You must return this form to remain in
good standing in this Archdiocese. When completed,
make copies for yourself and your pastor/supervisor before sending
the original to this office. Please note that these two agreements
will be good for three years.
3. Deacon Ministry Evaluation
(for period 7/1/11 to 6/30/12) This form is to be
filled out only by the deacons whose status is Active. Your
pastor/supervisor should complete this form and discuss it with
you. We encourage you to use this as a tool for you and your pastor/supervisor
to review the past year and to examine your gifts as well as to
explore areas for growth in your ministry and skills. Please
note that this form is to be signed and returned. New
directives require that periodic evaluations be included in a
deacon's personnel file.
4. Deacon Profile Update
Also included is a copy of your current personal
information as we have it on file. All deacons must
return this form regardless of your status. If any
additions or changes are needed, please make corrections on the
form and return it to this office. Please make sure that
your e-mail is correct because most of the correspondence
from the Office of the Diaconate will be through the internet.
If you don't have e-mail, ask your parish if they would provide
one for you so that you can receive timely information of upcoming
events for the diaconate community. Even if all the information
is correct and complete, please return the form to the Office
of the Diaconate at the above address indicating that there are
no changes.
To summarize, if your status is as